CPPE Kombisorbon® Technology
Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA

In 2015, Inflico Degremont Inc. engaged CPPE in the modernization of the New Water Wastewater Treatment Plant in Green Bay, WI, which serves 236,000 residents in a 740-square km / 285-square-mile area. The New Water plant currently collects and treats an average of 144 million liters / 38 million gallons a day removing more than 97 percent of its pollutants. The project achieved approx. 50% reduction in energy use which results in approx. $US2 million annual savings in energy costs. As part of this project, a new fluidized bed incinerator (FBI) and state-of-the-art Air Pollution Control (APC) System were installed.
CPPE provided its Kombisorbon® process for mercury and dioxin/furan removal. The Kombisorbon® installation at the New Water facility ensures greater than 99.5% Hg and Dioxin/Furan removal and the process is fully compliant with new USEPA regulations for new FBI incinerators. The project was completed in 2018.